General information about company | |
Name of The Company | Borosil Renewables Limited |
BSE Scrip Code | 502219 |
Date of Start of Financial Year | 01-04-2021 |
Date of End of Financial Year | 31-03-2022 |
Reporting Period | First half yearly |
Date of Start of Reporting Period | 01-04-2021 |
Date of End of Reporting Period | 30-09-2021 |
Level of rounding used in financial results | Lakhs |
Whether the company has entered into any Related Party transaction during the selected half year for which it wants to submit disclosure? | Yes |
Related party transactions | ||||||||||||
A. Details of related party | Sr | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ||
Name of the related party | Borosil Limited | Croton Trading Private Limited | Bajrang Lal Kheruka | Pradeep Kumar Kheruka | Shreevar Kheruka | Ramaswami V Pillai | Ashok Jain | Sunil Roongta | Kishor Talreja | |||
Categories of related parties | Entities with joint control or significant influence over entity | Entities with joint control or significant influence over entity | Promoters | Promoters | Promoters | Key management personnel of entity or parent | Key management personnel of entity or parent | Key management personnel of entity or parent | Key management personnel of entity or parent | |||
description of relationship | Director having significant influence | Director having significant influence | Promoter | Executive Chairman | Vice Chairman | Whole Time Director | Whole Time Director | Chief Financial Officer | Company Secretary | |||
PAN of related party | AACCH5367G | AACCC2452K | AGCPK9822A | AFYPK7989K | ALMPK8573B | AAAPR6170N | ACLPJ0059M | ABVPR5534Q | AENPT6019B | |||
CIN of related party | L36100MH2010PLC292722 | U36100WB1982PTC034822 | ||||||||||
B. Details of related party transactions | Purchase of goods and services | 231669 | 9552604 | |||||||||
Sale of goods and services | ||||||||||||
Purchase of fixed assets | ||||||||||||
Sale of fixed assets | ||||||||||||
Rendering of services | ||||||||||||
Receiving of services | 7500000 | |||||||||||
Leases | 660000 | |||||||||||
Loans and advances given | ||||||||||||
Loans and advances taken | ||||||||||||
Loans and advances given that are repaid | ||||||||||||
Loans and advances taken that are repaid | ||||||||||||
Deposits placed | ||||||||||||
Deposits taken | ||||||||||||
Transfer of research & development | ||||||||||||
Transfers under lease agreement | ||||||||||||
Equity investment | ||||||||||||
Impairment in equity investment | ||||||||||||
Expense for bad or doubtful debts | ||||||||||||
Guarantees or collateral given | ||||||||||||
Guarantees or collateral taken | ||||||||||||
Interest income | ||||||||||||
Interest paid | ||||||||||||
Dividend income | ||||||||||||
Dividend paid | ||||||||||||
Management contracts including for deputation of employees | ||||||||||||
Settlement of liabilities by entity on behalf of related party | ||||||||||||
Remuneration | Short term employee benefits | 19500000 | 6842539.4 | 6378689 | 2910096.6 | 1513070.28 | ||||||
Post employment benefits | ||||||||||||
Other long-term benefits | ||||||||||||
Termination benefits | ||||||||||||
Share based payments | 3142837 | 3142837 | 503407 | 0 | ||||||||
Others | 420000 | |||||||||||
C. Outstanding balances | Receivables | Secured | ||||||||||
Un Secured | 665908 | 291707.17 | ||||||||||
Payables | Secured | |||||||||||
Un Secured | 129944.71 | 1350000 | ||||||||||
Loans and advances given | Secured | |||||||||||
Un Secured | ||||||||||||
Loans and advances taken | Secured | |||||||||||
Un Secured | ||||||||||||
Deposits placed | Secured | |||||||||||
Un Secured | ||||||||||||
Deposits taken | Secured | |||||||||||
Un Secured | ||||||||||||
Guarantees or collateral given | Secured | |||||||||||
Un Secured | ||||||||||||
Guarantees or collateral taken | Secured | |||||||||||
Un Secured | ||||||||||||
Investment in equity | Secured | |||||||||||
Un Secured | ||||||||||||
Provision for doubtful debt | Secured | |||||||||||
Un Secured | ||||||||||||
Note | The amount of Rs. 4,20,000/- pertains to sitting fees paid to Mr. Shreevar Kheruka, Non-Executive Director for attending the meetings of the Board / Committee(s).
Since there is no prescribed column to mention sitting fees under remuneration, the said amount is mentioned under 'Others' column. |